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Grassmannian Subspace-Line Packings : Detailed Results and Downloads

Here are the detailed results for our packings.  The basic principles that describe the algorithms used in the generation of these packings can be found in this paper (a detailed draft version can be also found here ).  The following pages presents the results and download links for (please read the conditions of use) :


1- Grassmannian Subspace Packings for maximizing the minimum Fubini Study distance.

2- Grassmannian Line Packings and Grassmannian Line Packings with Constant Modulus

3- Grassmannian Line Packings with Defined Alphabet.


Conditions of Use:

These codebooks/packings are free to use, however, appropriate citation is required. You can use the following IEEEXplore link:





If you like to design your codebook, the Matlab code used for the generation of some of these codebooks can be found here. You will find a pdf file that includes a detailed explanation about how to use the software.  If the codebooks generated resulted in any publications, appropriate citation is required (refer to Conditions of Use).



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